
I am a researcher at University of Stuttgart, part of TU9 (the alliance of leading Technical Universities in Germany), and PhD candidate, advised by Prof. Dr. Michael Pradel. My main research focus is at the intersection of software engineering and quantum computing, with the aim of increasing the reliability of the quantum software stack. In addition to my focus on quantum computing, I also love to explore the application of Explainable AI for models of code.


My Ph.D. research also benefits from previous complementary experiences as a summer research intern at GitHub Next in the GitHub Copilot team, where I applied Explainable AI to code exploration, and as a research intern at CERN, before my Ph.D., where I developed a cloud anomaly detection system at CERN Cloud Team. I completed my Double M.Sc. in Computer Science Engineering (specialization in Data Science) at Politecnico di Milano and Technical University of Berlin as a part of EIT Digital Master School. I am naturally curious and I love to face challenging situations that make me grow.


During my career I had the priviledge to be mentored and advised by great people, listed in reverse chronological order:

Five years from now

My long-term objective is to convert innovative research results into products to assist software engineers in their work. In fact, in my spare time I love to reason on business plan ideas, stay informed about start-ups and participate in hackathons.

Passions for gender topics

I am also a big fan of gender equality topics and for this reason I volunteer as Local Leader Manager at Women@EIT.

I would love to see a world where our future daughters could feel in the right place even in an engineering class.
CV and Resume are shared upon request.

Bio in 3rd Person

Suggested for conference or invited talks.
Matteo Paltenghi is a doctoral researcher from University of Stuttgart with expertise at the intersection of artificial intelligence and software engineering. With a recent collaboration at GitHub Next, he harnessed Large Language Models for code exploration. His Ph.D. work, advised by Prof. Dr. sc. Michael Pradel, encompasses software engineering, AI, and quantum computing, with presentations at top conferences like ASE 21, OOPSLA 22 and ICSE 23. Prior to this, he spend 9 months at CERN for his Master Thesis on anomaly detection on data center. Matteo holds a double degree M.Sc. Computer Science and Engineering from Politecnico di Milano and TU Berlin, proceeded by a B.Sc. from Politecnico di Milano. He recently started serving as reviewer (TOSEM, JSSoftware) and as session chair at MSR 23. Recently, he was also one of the few young researchers selected for participation in the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF 23).