Elevator Pitch

I am a researcher at University of Stuttgart, part of TU9 (the alliance of leading Technical Universities in Germany), and PhD candidate, advised by Prof. Dr. Michael Pradel.

Research Interests

My main research focus is at the intersection of software engineering and quantum computing, with the aim of increasing the reliability of the quantum software stack. In addition to my focus on quantum computing, I also love to explore the application of Explainable AI for models of code. I am excited by any challenging research ideas at the intersection of these topics:

Contact Me

News and Announcements

Our fifth paper "Analyzing Quantum Programs with LintQ: A Static Analysis Framework for Qiskit" has been accepted at FSE 2024 (Conference Core Rank: A*)!
[paper] [code and dataset]

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share our research on testing quantum computing platform on the PennyLane Blog [blog post].

I am super excited to have been invited to join the 10th birthday celebration of the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology (IQST) [press].

Since February 2024, I started serving as reviewer for ISSTA (Conference Core Rank: A, CCF Rank: A).

Since November 2023, I started serving as reviewer for TSE (Journal Core Rank: A*).

Our fourth paper "Fuzz4All: Universal Fuzzing with Large Language Models" has been accepted at ICSE 2024 (Conference Core Rank: A*)!
[paper] [website]

Since August 2023, I started serving as reviewer for TOSEM (Journal Core Rank: A*) and JSS (Journal Core Rank: A).

I was invited by ML4SE JetBrains Research lab to give a talk about my research on Explainable AI for Software Engineering.

I am super excited to announce I was selected as a young researcher for the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF 2023) and get the chance to meet Turing Award winners!

Our third paper "MorphQ: Metamorphic Testing of the Qiskit Quantum Computing Platform" has been accepted at ICSE 2023 (Conference Core Rank: A*)!
[paper] [open access paper] [dataset and code]

I am super thrilled to start my first summer internship at GitHub, in the Copilot Model Improvement Team! (1st July 2022)

I am super excited to announce that our second paper "Bugs in Quantum Computing Platforms: An Empirical Study" has been accepted at OOPSLA 2022 (Conference Core Rank: A)!
[paper] [dataset and code]

I was invited to give my first invited talk about quantum computing at the Q-SE Workshop co-located at ICSE '22

Dagstuhl Seminar! I was selected as participant for the Software Engineering Forschungsmethoden Training (SEFM) at Schloss Dagstuhl.

Our first paper "Thinking Like a Developer? Comparing the Attention of Humans with Neural Models of Code" has been accepted at ASE 2021 (Conference Core Rank: A*)!
[paper] [dataset and code]